Grants + Funding
Prosper Portland: Small Business Relief Fund Loan Program
The Portland Small Business Relief Fund loan program will open Wednesday, April 8 and closing Saturday, April 12 at 12PM. Up to $50,000 in zero-interest loans will be available for Portland businesses with $5 million or less in annual gross revenue. This will inevitably be a very competitive process, so we encourage you to check out the eligibility and application requirements ASAP.
Southern Smoke : Emergency Relief Program
Southern Smoke is a nonprofit 501c3 charitable foundation. Their Emergency Relief Program provides emergency funding to those employed by or own restaurants or bars or are employed by a restaurant or bar supplier that are faced unforeseen expenses that cannot or will not be covered by insurance.
Financial Relief Resources for Artists During COVID-19
Many of us that work in the restaurant industry have creative passions or side hustles that keep us engaged and inspired. Some of us would even call ourselves Artists, Writers, or Musicians. If so, take a look at this link to see if you qualify for any of these national grant programs.
James Beard Foundation Relief Fund
The James Beard Foundation just launched a fund that will be gathering support from corporate, foundation, and individual donors to provide micro-grants to independent food and beverage businesses in need. The application isn't available yet but it will be soon, sign up here to be the first on your block to get an app.
APANO: COVID-19 Business Grant
On Tuesday March 17, Portland Mayor Wheeler declared “Every option will be on the table to support the resilience and the recovery of our local economy.” That includes $140,000 in grants for businesses in the Jade District, the east Portland neighborhood with a large congregation of Asian-owned businesses—many of which were the first to see profits drop when COVID-19 began its spread across China.” Also included are businesses in Old Town Chinatown.
They are encouraging small businesses located in the Jade District or Old Town Chinatown with a priority on Asian and Pacific Islander owned businesses to apply.
Family Meal PDX COVID-19 Grant
Family Meal is a local nonprofit providing financial relief to Oregon’s food service and agricultural workers in medical debt crises. They are extending to a grant relief program for workers affected by COVID-19. Take a look at qualifications and apply.
Prosper Portland COVID-19 Response
Prosper Portland is making $150,000 available to help businesses affected by COVID-19. The city's economic development agency is partnering with the Jade District to distribute small grants. Call (503) 823-4000 or email for more information.
Facebook Small Business Grants Program
Facebook is stepping up and offering 100M of cash grants to small businesses. Take a look and see if you qualify.
USBG: Bartender Emergency Assistance Program
This bartending build is offering grants to bartenders across America. You do not have to be a member of their guild to qualify.
ONE FAIR WAGE — Emergency Coronavirus Tipped and Service Worker Support Fund
This amazing campaign is working on providing cash grants to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers and more who need the money they aren’t getting to survive. They are currently active in 7 states and are extending grants to those in other states as well. Help petition our state to get Oregon started on this campaign permanently here.
Another Round, Another Rally : COVID-19 Hospitality Grants
This non profit calls themselves a ‘financial resources for the service industry’ and have proved to be so by creating a program that provides reimbursement grants and immersive educational scholarships to further the education of underrepresented voices in the industry community.
Another Round, Another Rally has recently started offering $500 relief grants for hospitality workers who lost their jobs or had their hours slashed in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.