Open Letter Asks Gov. Kate Brown to Shut Down Oregon’s Restaurants and Bars Amid COVID-19 Outbreak
We are so absolutely thankful of the voices that represent independent restaurants on a national stage. @repblumenauer has been our champion since day one and the RESTAURANTS ACT is our beacon of hope. @pitchforkpdx @naomipomeroy and @petecho have been tireless in their advocacy and leadership within Oregon and beyond. Thank you for your work and dedication.
Also, update. We are still fighting for #orcocktailstogo and are hopeful to see movement soon. If you can donate to the fight,
Please visit the link in our bio to do so!
#saveoregonrestaurants #toosmalltofail #saverestaurants #community #portland #oregon #saveportlandrestaurants #smallnusiness #pdxeats #pdx