Sign up for the ‘Racial Equity in Restaurants’ workshop by Jeff Selby on Monday, July 19th at 11AM by filing out the form below.

Now is the time to rebuild our places of work while actively engaging with racial equity.

The Alliance is very excited to partner with locally-based DEI educator Jeff Selby to offer a virtual workshop for Oregon’s restaurant owners and workers to engage in creating a racially equitable hospitality culture.

Through participating in a mix of content, small group discussion, and exercises, the workshop will cover:

• Shared terminology of racial equity concepts

• The importance of leading with race when institutionalizing equity

•  The history of institutional and systemic racism in Oregon & the United States and how that history still affects Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color

• The basics of implicit bias and how our biases affect our decisions in the workplace

• An introduction to the Racial Equity Toolkit for Restaurants

Excited to see you there!

This workshop is sponsored by